Sunday, November 4, 2012

kate spade new york fall 2012

A really fun Fall '12 campaign for Kate Spade- turning NYC's Robert Miller art gallery into a roller rink.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Mr Bingo on overcoming creative block - 1 Minute to Leave your Mark

I wanted to share this light hearted and inspiring little video I found on Stella Kids Tumblr page.  (I often find such great inspiration there by the way).  Maybe watching it can help you overcome a creative block!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

eCreamery Ice Cream & Gelato- American Made Awards Food Finalist I was so excited to see one of Omaha's own- eCreamery ice cream & gelato was a finalist in the food category for the Martha Stewart American Made Awards! I've stopped for many an sweet iced confection at their adorable shop in Dundee. It's so inspiring to see someone from your local community get such amazing recognition!

Makié | American Made Honoree⎢Martha Stewart

Here's a little inspiration for American made Fashion- Makie Yahagi's clothing line, which started as children's wear was named the Martha Stewart American Made Fashion Honoree.  I've been really interested in the Martha Stewart American Made Awards that were going on recently in NYC.  (Anyone who knows me at all knows that I'm pretty much obsessed with all things Martha Stewart:).  The awards caught my eye in the Martha Stewart November issue with photos of amazing cast iron skillets shaped in all the 48 contiguous United States.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

'Drawn to Fashion: Illustrations of Mary Mitchell' at Hillestad Gallery- UNL I had the opportunity to see Mary Mitchell's fashion illustrations while on display at the Durham earlier this year- now for the next week they are on display at the Hillestad Gallery at the University of Nebraska Lincoln with a First Friday reception on November 2nd. If you didn't get a chance to see Mitchell's work earlier this year you should definitely check it out now! Amazingly detailed fashion illustrations from the 60's & 70's- the Nebraska based Fashion Illustrator was called by designer Oscar de la Renta "a true artist, elegant and masterful."

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Spoonflower- now printing custom Wallpaper & Wall Decals! Calling all interior designers with creative original ideas- I think this is so fun- what a great way to personalize and create your own custom interiors!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Dr. No Opening Title Sequence & Gunbarrel HD

While we're on the subject of all-time great films (that have great style) I wanted to share this article from October's Vanity Fair about the 50th Anniversary of the start of James Bond:  A great read for Bond fans and film enthusiasts alike.

New “Hitchcock” movie poster with Anthony Hopkins, 2012 release date announced

New “Hitchcock” movie poster with Anthony Hopkins, 2012 release date announced I'm so excited to hear that the Hitchcock movie will be coming out in theaters this fall! I love the way Hitchcock's women dress in his films, and find a lot of inspiration in their style (not to mention how well done and innovative Hitchcock's work is, even aside from the fashion). I guess with Grace kelly starring in several of his films it's not hard to be stylish. Another reason to check out the film- the amazing Sir Anthony Hopkins will be playing Hitchcock himself!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Curiosity Shoppe at Target

I went yesterday and checked out some of the shops at Target. I am really into the Curiosity Shoppe- It's so fun and has that nostalgic kitsch that just gets you!- Well it got me anyways. Maybe it's because I hail from small town midwest where the longtime tried and true eating establishment is the Wigwam Cafe (est. ca 1930's). But I couldn't enough of the dishes, towels and other home accessories that pay homage to the quirky and kitsch tourist stops that one can find all along a road trip across this great country (i.e: Blue Whale, Catoosa, OK, Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, TX- not to mention the classic Quintessential all-American diner!)

The Shops at Target Fall 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tory Burch Sp '13

My favorite show so far (I haven't taken a look at all of them yet though....) is definitely Tory Burch! I love this beautiful wheat print- and the neutrals mixed with this bit of yellow. The whole collection is the perfect mix of sophistication and eclectic fun. For more beautiful photographs from the show check out the Tory Burch blog:,default,pg.html

Saturday, September 15, 2012

DVF [through Glass]

Here's a very interesting perspective into New York Fashion Week- which just wrapped up its Spring '13 shows on Thursday: through the eyes of the designer Diane von Furstenburg herself as well as some of the models and others from behind the scenes! Thanks to Google's new amazing Glass technology (which you can see the designer and some of the models sporting in this video) we can experience fashion week from a completely new perspective!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Download Garance Dore's illustrations as wallpaper

If you're as charmed by Garance Dore's illustrations as I am you may want to consider downloading her cocktail party print available here on Kate Spade:,default,pg.html

garance doré for kate spade new york

Love this behind the scenes video of fashion blogger & illustrator Garance Dore talking about her capsule collection for Kate Spade.  She has such a joie de vivre for fashion and life- it makes for a really witty and charming collection.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Old Burlington Train Station- Official OFW After Party

Although my night-life days are are pretty much behind me I couldn't resist stopping by the official OFW after party hosted by the House of Loom @ the old Burlington Train Station. I love old historic buildings and couldn't pass up the chance to go inside and check it out. Sadly the building has fallen into disrepair- and doesn't even have running water any longer. But it was a very cool venue for a unique after party and I was happy to see the original tile floor still intact. After doing some wikipedia research it seems the station was built in 1898 and was "hailed by newspapers around the world for its grand architecture and accommodations." I'm glad it was brought to life again- if only for a night!

Omaha Fashion Week, Day 3: the Rebirth of Leggoons -

Omaha Fashion Week, Day 3: the Rebirth of Leggoons - I was impressed by the very serious re-launch Wednesday night of the original Omaha '80s brand! Check out the Leggoons website:

Omaha Fashion Week August 2012 Although I didn't show at this fall's Omaha Fashion Week I decided to volunteer to get up-close and involved and I'm sure glad I did! It just keeps getting more exciting every season. I volunteered for the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday shows and got to help out and see some amazing collections, celebrity guests and the re-launch of an Omaha 80's swim line! Omaha World Herald's photo blog above has some nice snaps from Saturday's finale. Even the rain couldn't put a damper on saturday's events. Luckily Ollie the Trolley was on hand to transport attendees and models down the street from Kaneko's VIP pre-party to the tents. The show got off to an amazing start when celebrity guest Traver Rain's (co-founder of the former fashion house Heatherette) line went down the runway! I wish there were photos from this featured in the World Herald blog- it was stunning. The week also saw the appearance of another celebrity gust, Patrick T. Cooper whose full service creative firm specializes in the marketing and branding of fashion, entertainment and lifestyle brands. He was drawn to OFW after hearing about it from Chad Carr (owner of Leggoons brand which saw it's re-launch this past week) on a flight that they happened to be sat next to each other on. All I can say is I'm excited to see what next season brings!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Coral Cactus

I happened upon this Coral Cactus the other day and thought it was the coolest cactus I've ever seen! I love the ocean and find coral and sea life to be so inspiring- so to find this in a cactus I could take home is amazing. And even better is how low maintenance cactus plants are.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

If you haven't seen this movie yet- you have to! It's amazingly done and my favorite Wes Anderson film yet (and I love his films). I'm always inspired by his strong use of beautiful colors in his films and very interesting characters. This film is so Quirky, fun and poignant and takes place during my favorite era- the 60's. Everything from the sets, costumes, colors, music and the strong characters is so well done. It's visually fun and touching too. That's all I'm going to say- you'll have to see it for yourself! The movie website is lot's of fun also:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Tea Party Snaps

A lovely way to spend a beautiful summer morning!

Plantable Seed Paper

I'm posting the website link for Porridge Paper's plantable seed paper: It's fun to see all the amazingly creative paper products they've used the the paper for!

Homemade Letterpress Invitations

I finally tried out the table top letterpress I was gifted for Christmas and I couldn't be more happy with how great it works! I hosted a bridal shower a couple weekends ago for my best childhood friend. I really wanted the invitations to be special and since it was a small intimate affair I thought it would be perfect for printing the invitations myself. The press is made by Epic 6 and was being carried in Hobby Lobby stores, though they were clearancing the tools and inks out at the end of the year. I love this paper too it has a beautiful texture- and it is great for letterpress. I bought it at Porridge Papers in Lincoln and it's plantable! The paper has a variety of wild flower, vegetable and tree seeds. I was able to get it for a great price too because at their store they sell off the sheets that don't meet their standards because they are either too thick or too thin at a discount- but they still worked great on the epic 6. I ordered the plates for printing the image and text through Boxcarpress: We ordered our plates from them when I was at the University- they do a great job and are super fast! You can hand draw or create whatever you want to letterpress and then upload it to their website and they'll create the photopolymer plates for printing.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Tsuru boutique- Spring/Summer 2012 collection now available!

The collection from Omaha Fashion Week is still for sale at Tsuru boutique in downtown Lincoln! Last I checked much of the collection was still available- only the striped halter dress & navy blue geo printed tank were sold out. Check out Tsuru @:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

THE COLOR RUN - Be a Color Runner

The Color Run- happening in Omaha Saturday July 14th.  It's not too late to sign up!  I just joined a team- it will be my first experience running the color run and I'm super excited- this video is amazing.  Reminds me of the Indian Holi festival- an amazing celebration with lots of color!

Francesca Woodman- Slide Show- These images of Fracesca Woodman's work from New York Times are a great preview from the show.

Francesca Woodman Retrospective- Guggenheim I was fortunate enough to be able to catch the Francesca Woodman retrospective exhibition going on at the Guggenheim while visiting NYC last week. Sadly it is over now but it's still amazing to read about her and her work. I really love her photographs- there's something almost haunting about her self portraits, often taken in run-down old interiors, but they're absolutely beautiful. Even more amazingly about her works is the young age at which she did these, before her life ended prematurely at 22.

Schiaparelli & Prada- Impossible Conversations: The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Audio and Video

The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Audio and Video

I thought this was a really interesting concept for the Costume Institute Gala Exhibition this year at the Met.  Check out the video made for this exhibition that explores the similarities of fashion designers Elsa Schiaparelli (ca. 1930's & 40's)  & the current Miucca Prada.  On display now through August 19th.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tsuru boutique- Spring/Summer 2012 collection now available!

I'm very excited to have the Spring/Summer 2012 collection that showed in August at Omaha Fashion Week now in store for sale at Tsuru boutique in downtown Lincoln! The boutique has an amazing selection of eclectic urban brands such as Free People and LA Made to name a few and carries a novel handpicked selection of beautiful jewelry from local designers. Check it out @:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Driftstation- Bookstore Driftstation Gallery in Lincoln is having such a cool exhibition right now of artist made books and zines! (And I'm not just saying that because I have a letterpress book I made in the show, although I am pretty excited about it.) And the best part is all the publications are either for sale or free for the taking- so get down there asap- it's up through april 27th

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

CAMP Coworking

I wanted to add a post with info for CAMP Coworking, something I wasn't familiar with prior to the pattern grading workshop I attended there. The space is a shared coworking space for anyone who wants to work in the company of other inspirational people. The rates are very reasonable whether you want to pay as a daily drop-in or get a part or full-time membership. And oh, the space is great- providing lots of big tables and space for working and cool fun decor too! Photos can be seen the website:

Omaha Fashion Institute

I recently went to a pattern grading workshop provided by the newly founded Omaha Fashion Institute. The Institute is a non-profit sister program to Omaha Fashion Week that provides resources to aspiring designers and encourages creative entrepreneurial potential. The pattern grading workshop was great, I've always been interested in how pattern grading works, something we didn't even study in fashion school. A pattern grading professional from Michigan came to conduct the workshop which was two days long- she was great! The workshop was held at CAMP Coworking at the Mastercraft building in downtown Omaha. For more info on the Omaha Fashion Institute check out:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Raves from the Fashion Week runway -

Raves from the Fashion Week runway - I'm so glad I was able to make it to Omaha Fashion Week and see the new Kaneko venue the shows are being presented at now. I got to go to the Thursday night show featuring children's wear and fashion as art. Kaneko is the perfect venue for fashion week- it's a great size for hosting the shows and it's very minimal and stark interior makes for a perfect backdrop to any designer's show- I couldn't be more impressed! All the designers Thursday night did such amazing work- I loved Olijade Cooper's dramatic presentation of her line and was also blown away by newcomer Leah Casper's showing of her line! The craft and presentation of Casper's line was amazing and very dramatic from head to toe with her creative spin on 17th century fashion- you can see photos of her collection on the designer's website:

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tina Barney- The Europeans

It just happened that Tina Barney's work The Europeans is showing at the Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University while I was in town this past weekend visiting a friend. I was so excited as I have become very interested Tina Barney's work and had recently seen her documentary Social Studies which follows her as she works on this wonderful body of work: The Europeans. The exhibition was amazing- the photographs are on a very large scale and so rich with color and details!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thakoon Panichgul's Omaha

I just came across this article on local Omaha boutique Trocadero's facebook page! Thakoon is one of my favorite designers and always having known he grew up in Omaha I was delighted to get some insight on some of his favorite things to do here!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

DVF GapKids

DVF for GapKids will be out in a week!  Gap always has the most amazing designer collaborations, DVF is quite perfect for them- full of great prints and color.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Models Dance To Pitbull's "I Know You Want Me" Wearing Lanvin

Catch a glimpse of the Lanvin designer himself as he dances out at the end of this clip!

Lanvin Fall 2012

Loved Lanvin's Fall 2012 Ready-to-Wear collection! Alber Elbaz always has such an amazing sense of color and beautiful silhouette.

Friday, February 17, 2012

See Kate Spade's Parisian Chic Fall 2012 Presentation

Giving a nod to Kate Spade at the close of this years NYC's Fall 2012 Fashion Week! In the humdrum of winter I often find it hard to get excited about the austerity that often accompanies many of the fall shows. But Kate Spade always finds a way to bring color and light heartedness to any season- love the polka dots!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Women are Beautiful

I was so excited during my visit last weekend to find that Denver Art Museum currently has a Winogrand photography exhibition showing! I love's Winogrand's street photography portraying American life circa 1960; which happens to be my favorite time for fashion. There's lot's of style in these photos taken of women on the streets of New York and LA in Winograds: Women are Beautiful.