Sunday, March 25, 2012

Raves from the Fashion Week runway -

Raves from the Fashion Week runway - I'm so glad I was able to make it to Omaha Fashion Week and see the new Kaneko venue the shows are being presented at now. I got to go to the Thursday night show featuring children's wear and fashion as art. Kaneko is the perfect venue for fashion week- it's a great size for hosting the shows and it's very minimal and stark interior makes for a perfect backdrop to any designer's show- I couldn't be more impressed! All the designers Thursday night did such amazing work- I loved Olijade Cooper's dramatic presentation of her line and was also blown away by newcomer Leah Casper's showing of her line! The craft and presentation of Casper's line was amazing and very dramatic from head to toe with her creative spin on 17th century fashion- you can see photos of her collection on the designer's website:

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