Monday, October 29, 2012

Mr Bingo on overcoming creative block - 1 Minute to Leave your Mark

I wanted to share this light hearted and inspiring little video I found on Stella Kids Tumblr page.  (I often find such great inspiration there by the way).  Maybe watching it can help you overcome a creative block!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

eCreamery Ice Cream & Gelato- American Made Awards Food Finalist I was so excited to see one of Omaha's own- eCreamery ice cream & gelato was a finalist in the food category for the Martha Stewart American Made Awards! I've stopped for many an sweet iced confection at their adorable shop in Dundee. It's so inspiring to see someone from your local community get such amazing recognition!

MakiĆ© | American Made Honoree⎢Martha Stewart

Here's a little inspiration for American made Fashion- Makie Yahagi's clothing line, which started as children's wear was named the Martha Stewart American Made Fashion Honoree.  I've been really interested in the Martha Stewart American Made Awards that were going on recently in NYC.  (Anyone who knows me at all knows that I'm pretty much obsessed with all things Martha Stewart:).  The awards caught my eye in the Martha Stewart November issue with photos of amazing cast iron skillets shaped in all the 48 contiguous United States.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

'Drawn to Fashion: Illustrations of Mary Mitchell' at Hillestad Gallery- UNL I had the opportunity to see Mary Mitchell's fashion illustrations while on display at the Durham earlier this year- now for the next week they are on display at the Hillestad Gallery at the University of Nebraska Lincoln with a First Friday reception on November 2nd. If you didn't get a chance to see Mitchell's work earlier this year you should definitely check it out now! Amazingly detailed fashion illustrations from the 60's & 70's- the Nebraska based Fashion Illustrator was called by designer Oscar de la Renta "a true artist, elegant and masterful."

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Spoonflower- now printing custom Wallpaper & Wall Decals! Calling all interior designers with creative original ideas- I think this is so fun- what a great way to personalize and create your own custom interiors!