Sunday, July 15, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

If you haven't seen this movie yet- you have to! It's amazingly done and my favorite Wes Anderson film yet (and I love his films). I'm always inspired by his strong use of beautiful colors in his films and very interesting characters. This film is so Quirky, fun and poignant and takes place during my favorite era- the 60's. Everything from the sets, costumes, colors, music and the strong characters is so well done. It's visually fun and touching too. That's all I'm going to say- you'll have to see it for yourself! The movie website is lot's of fun also:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Tea Party Snaps

A lovely way to spend a beautiful summer morning!

Plantable Seed Paper

I'm posting the website link for Porridge Paper's plantable seed paper: It's fun to see all the amazingly creative paper products they've used the the paper for!

Homemade Letterpress Invitations

I finally tried out the table top letterpress I was gifted for Christmas and I couldn't be more happy with how great it works! I hosted a bridal shower a couple weekends ago for my best childhood friend. I really wanted the invitations to be special and since it was a small intimate affair I thought it would be perfect for printing the invitations myself. The press is made by Epic 6 and was being carried in Hobby Lobby stores, though they were clearancing the tools and inks out at the end of the year. I love this paper too it has a beautiful texture- and it is great for letterpress. I bought it at Porridge Papers in Lincoln and it's plantable! The paper has a variety of wild flower, vegetable and tree seeds. I was able to get it for a great price too because at their store they sell off the sheets that don't meet their standards because they are either too thick or too thin at a discount- but they still worked great on the epic 6. I ordered the plates for printing the image and text through Boxcarpress: We ordered our plates from them when I was at the University- they do a great job and are super fast! You can hand draw or create whatever you want to letterpress and then upload it to their website and they'll create the photopolymer plates for printing.