Thursday, March 24, 2011

LACMA- Urban Light

This was my first visit to the LACMA while visiting L.A. and I loved it so much! I can't wait to go back, I didn't have enough time to get to everything I wanted to see. I'm also going to make sure to hang out in the courtyard restaurant/bar photographed here by Chris Burden's Urban Light installation, what a lovely place to relax and enjoy this landmark work of art.

L.A.- Plaid on the street

Visited a good friend in L.A. this past week over spring break! One of my favorite things about L.A. is the retro kitsch that can be found throughout the city often showing up on street signs and the building decor.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A few of my favorite things- Movies that inspire style

Clue- The movie: Very stylish suspects

I love Gilligan's Island and not just for its camp humor. I'm pretty sure there has never been as stylish a bunch of shipwrecked people as these!